Hybrid Tea Rose


Queen of Roses® Edelrose

KORbico W. Kordes’ Söhne®

pharmaROSA® ORIGINAL - 2 liters potted roses

Red - butter yellow petal reverse - hybrid tea - moderately scented rose - anise aroma

Fragrance: moderately scented rose - anise aroma
Height: 4.3-5.6ft (130-170 cm)
Disease: Not susceptible to diseases.
Remontancy: Well blooming ability, the second flowering is abundant.
Profile: -
Queen of Roses®
18,00 €
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We describe now the appearance of the roses you buy from us online.


Meaning of the name: -
Synonymic name: Colour Wonder
Registered species name: KORbico
Original commercial name: Colour Wonder
Commercial name: Edelrose W. Kordes’ Söhne® Queen of Roses® KORbico
Exhibition name accepted by American Rose Society: Colour Wonder


Treder: W. Kordes’ Söhne®
Awards: ADR (1964), Belfast (1966)
Year became commerc: 1964
Year of registration: -
Year of breeding: Germany, 1964
Breeder: Reimer Kordes


Rose group: Hybrid Tea
Commercial type: hybrid tea
Commercial group: hybrid tea


Number of petals: 40-60
Flower fullness: full bloom form
Aroma: anise aroma
Scent: moderately scented rose
Remontancy: Well blooming ability, the second flowering is abundant.
Flower size: L (2,75-3,95 in)
Inflorescence: solitary
Flower shape: rounded
Flower colour: red - butter yellow petal reverse
Colour: orange
Colour code: ORe


Plant range: 1.6-2ft (50-60 cm)
Planting / sq feet: 30-40/sq ft
Width: 2-2.6ft (60-80 cm)
Height: 4.3-5.6ft (130-170 cm)
Habit: To form mixed borders where roses decorate with their beautiful flower shape not with the mass of flowers. They are also suitable for cut flowers.
Foliage: glossy - dark green
Thorns: highly thorny


Winter hardiness USDA: -18°C
Susceptibility to disease: Not susceptible to diseases.


Previously used trademark: -
Comment: -18°C


Profile: -
Product type: pharmaROSA® ORIGINAL - 2 liters potted roses
Product name: Rosa Queen of Roses® - orange - hybrid tea
Type of identity: Tested:08.06.2024
Species quality: premium bronze

Product ID

Item number: [155] 02-031 (27.01.2025) pharmarosa.ie

Rose hip

Hip biggest diameter: -
Hip shape: -
Hip colour: -


Company informations

pharmaROSA® - pharmaROSA® Ltd.
 Uimhir chlárúcháin na cuideachta: 01-09-717479
 Uimhir chánach: 13075314-2-43
 Uimhir chuntais bhainc:
   HU72 1201 1739 0166 1074 0020 0009
   Ainm an bhainc: Raiffeisen Bank
   E-mail: info@pharmarosa.ie
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